Gifts of Service
Seva Foundation
Here's a great example of using marketing design principles for a charitable appeal.
We gave Seva's longtime gift program a branding makeover with fresh messaging, produced a new website with a custom e-commerce module, and rolled it out with an integrated print/online campaign to drive traffic to the site.
Revenue for the 2005 season increased 15%, then jumped another 27% in 2006. In 2007 (the year featured on this page) we refocused our strategy to emphasize donor acquisition, resulting in a 76% boost in new donors over the previous year.
Strategy, Creative Direction, Writing
Robin Woodland
Staff Team
Julie Nestingen
Amy Sherts
Aaron Simon
Stoller Design Group
Jay Blakesberg
Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Emmanuelle Errerajoan
Karl Grobl
Roger Maldonado
Paul Paz y Miño
Mary Pember
Scott Ridgway
Julie Rinard
feature photos:
Jon Kaplan
print catalog

print and online advertisements

online catalog and store