Complete Rebranding
Seva Foundation
Rebranding seems out of reach for many nonprofits. Here's a way to make it work.
It's hard to come up with the budget and staff time to roll out new branding all at once. So at Seva, we developed a new brand style one piece at a time.
Starting with the newsletter, I worked with the amazing folks at Stoller Design Group to come up with a new look. Over the next 18 months, we applied the new style to all the other materials Seva published as each piece was due.
It's a process I call "rebranding on the fly" — a low cost, low stress way to get it done.
Strategy, Creative Direction, Writing
Robin Woodland
Staff Team
Julie Nestingen
Dharna Obermaier
Amy Sherts
Aaron Simon
Concert Materials
Tamara Klamner for
Tapestry Productions
Stoller Design Group
Jay Blakesberg
Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Bill Burden
Emmanuelle Errerajoan
Karl Grobl
Brian Harris
Mariah Healy
Jon Kaplan
Roger Maldonado
Susana Millman
Bob Minkin
Deborah Moses
Paul Paz y Miño
Mary Pember
Scott Ridgway
Julie Rinard
Amy Sherts
Robert Tohe
Robin Woodland
old branding...

print newsletter
22" x 14" saddle stitched (11" x 14" finished)

new branding...


print newsletter
22" x 14" saddle stitched (11" x 14" finished)
annual report
25.5" x 11" trifold (8.5" x 11" finished)

direct mail appeal
8.5" x 11"

gift catalog​
12" x 10.75" saddle stitched (6" x 10.75" finished)

benefit concert invitation
11.5" x 5.75" single fold (5.75" x 5.75" finished)

benefit concert print ad
5" x 5.5"

benefit concert program
11" x 8.5" saddle stitched (5.5" x 8.5" finished)
booth display banners
5' x 3' vinyl fabric